The dust, sand and impurities that this filter catches are thenumber one enemies of such vital components as the pistons,cylinders and valves, to name but a few、Promoting maximum airintake, Tecnium air filters are sure to catch all foreign bodiesfrom reaching your engine throughout the entire race.
A first aerated foam layer catches impurities
A denser second foam layer catches any smaller impurities andfavours the air flow
Flame retardant foam (uniquely for 4-stroke competition engines incase of flame return)
The breathable gasket guarantees maximum contact with the body ofthe filter casing
KX 250
KX 250 年式: 19
備考: KX252A
KX 250 年式: 20
備考: KX252B
KX 250 F
KX 250 F 年式: 17-18
備考: KX252A
KX 450 F
KX 450 F 年式: 16-18
備考: KX450H
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